This is a screen shot of
the PhD Student bio section of the my department's website. I had about three weeks to submit a bio. If you would like to submit one for me to use, please use the comment section of this post. First criteria for this bio, I do not want it to begin with my name.
How's this?
Since entering the PhD program at Georgia Tech Jason Vargo has lost sight of his primary interests and finds it difficult to generate interesting questions. He lives in Atlanta.
Well today I was made to put up something. It is lame but I would still like your suggestions.
In finally getting around to put something up there I wished it could be more personal.
Jason Vargo has large calves and is not Korean. He watches tv and likes to go out with friends for beers. The last movie he saw was Slumdog Millionaire. He downloads free Lil' Wayne mixtapes and make his own t-shirts sometimes.
... or even more generic.
Jason Vargo is interested in sustainability, housing, economic development,disparities, transit, smart growth and green. He lives and eats near Georgia Tech.
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